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Murray Gilbertson holds BE(Civil)Hons and MBA qualifications. His background includes diverse national engineering projects and he has held several senior executive roles. In these roles asset management was a key focus to cost effectively improve the service life of essential structures.


Research work by Murray and his associates has led him to, alongside these other professionals, finding improved techniques to protect concrete coastal structures. G-Group's work has involved many wharf and coastal structures where chloride attack and other deterioration processes are active.


Our leading work on investigating penetrating hydrogel performance for internally protecting concrete structures, both existing and new, is having a positive impact across various structures including wharves, bridges and buildings.

penetration testing using ultraviolet light
ppreparing a range of samples for comparing penetrating hydrogels against control samples for penetration depths, etc
under wharf coring for test samples

Penetration testing using ultraviolet light

Auckland CBD high-rise insitu concrete sampling

Auckland CBD high-rise

insitu sampling.

Preparing a range of samples for comparing penetrating hydrogels against control samples for penetration depths, crack healing and accelerated wet/dry attack on steel.

chloride attack on concrete panels

Chloride attack on

concrete panels

Under wharf coring for test samples

tagging for test analysis reference point

Tagging for test analysis

reference point

high pressure testing equipment to test permeability


High pressure testing equipment to test permeability

comparison of hydrogel efficacy

Comparison of hydrogel efficacy

Lollipop testing allows accelerated ingress of chlorides for comparing untreated vs treated concrete

Lollipop testing allows accelerated ingress of chlorides for comparing untreated vs hydrogel treated concrete

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Low Pressure Falling head Permeometer for testing internal moisture movement in concrete samples

Under wharf site visit
under wharf inspection view 2
under wharf inspection view 1

Under wharf inspection and assessment for a restoration project report

Damage and costs over time model
Damage model over time
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